My Weddings Trend Blog


10 Ways To Tell If A Guy Is Really Into You

Have you recently met a guy and have been pondering whether or not he’s into you? Telling if a guy is actually into you is much easier than most women think. Often time’s women let their own personal feelings get in the way of their thinking and later realize that they have been wasting time […]

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Best Tips for a Successful Engagement Shoot

Wedding preparations are both tedious and fun and a lot of times couples tend to be overwhelmed with the whole preparation that brings in stress. But then again, feeling haggard should not be manifested on how a couple should look especially on one of the most important photo shoot they’ll be. It’s been a beautiful […]

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Men’s Infidelity – Why Do Men Cheat on Good Women?

Raising daughters to be good women is not always in their best interest. The personality traits that many women are taught to follow make them vulnerable to becoming the wife of a cheater. Some men specifically look for a good woman that they can fool with their lies. The good woman will provide a stable […]

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5 Foolproof Ways to Get Out of the Friend Zone

So, you have a crush on a friend; most of us have at one point or another. But how can you get out of it? Staying hooked into the fantasy or hope that one day he’ll “wake up” to your sexy awesome-ness is just that: a fantasy. Instead, take action now to preserve your great […]

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Summertime Cheating at an All Time High – Rekindle the Heat – Prevent Infidelity

I’ve been hearing a lot about summertime flings and Cosmopolitan just published an article with expert opinions on why people, mostly men stray during the summertime. I guess Eddie Cochran was right when he said, “There ain’t no cure for the summertime blues.” “Guys are more prone to being summertime two-timers because they’re more likely […]

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How To Forgive A Cheater!?

Caught cheating! The repercussions of the most heart wrenching mistake a spouse can make in their marriage requires patience, understanding, communication and forgiving! Forgiving is probably the hardest thing to do when you’re on the receiving end but it’s the most crucial step that must be taken if you have any hope of salvaging the […]

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Secret of Sending Love Message Using Your Mind

Do you know the secrets behind the communication that goes between two opposite sex? Have you been wondering how you can send the message of your heart to the one you dream of without the actual physical contact? You have to know before anything else that you have that power in you that you physical […]

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The Ring – The Ultimate Wedding Symbol

The wedding ring is used as a symbol for eternal union between husband and wife and while it is actually a modern thing for men, it was given to women for centuries now. The origin of wearing wedding rings for men may have started during the Second World War where soldiers would wear rings to […]

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Remember the Small Acts of Kindness

Earlier this week the world mourned the loss of a great innovator in Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs turned a company, Apple, that was struggling into a world leader in technology and arguably one of the most recognized and sought after brands in the world. Now, this weekend the sports world is once again mourning the […]

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What to Say If Told I Love You and You Don’t Feel the Same Way?

You know that awkward moment when he says he loves you and unfortunately you don’t feel the same way? You get tongue-tied and overwhelmed by feelings of confusion as you look for a way out of the moment without embarrassing or hurting yourself and him. Is there a way to react that would leave you […]

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