How to Have a Real Friend and Ideal Relationship!

A real friend is someone who promotes you, someone who gives your life a new meaning. You can be a real friend and have a real friend who is very outstanding. You can fulfill your dreams and be great with your ideas in this life. You can make a name for yourself and be very powerful in this life, living the life of purpose, power and plenty; attracting the right kind of people to yourself. People relate to you at your level and the level you choose to live in this life determines the kind of relationship you will have. Relationship is an investment and what you invest is what you have as return in investment. Wouldn’t you rather perfect your personality and have the best of ideal relationship?

You have what it takes to stand out and be outstanding. When you become stronger than ever and bolder than a lion to brave the odds and initiate new imprints to rule the world, people will not just have high regard for you but your personality will give you a higher value on the open market of life and love. It is very important for you to perfect your personality and successfully have marketable assets you need to have an ideal relationship.

You do not just venture into a relationship in this day and age. You need to be educated, literate, enlightened and employable before thinking of relationship. For example, a student should be committed to making good grades and graduating with flying colors and not thinking of how to date someone. You need to be intellectually attractive and become financially independent, and enjoy the best of ideal relationship. If you are a student, your focus at this time should be to graduate a first-class scholar. If you are a youth and a graduate, you should be committed to updating your skills, being versatile and charting your course for the future which includes an ideal and godly relationship. You do not have any business, going into a relationship with anyone when you are not ready for marriage.

It is very important to be intellectually attractive and financially independent before thinking of a marital relationship. And to achieve this, you need to do well today and set yourself at the top, and chart the course of your life in a godly and ideal way. Modesty and dignity is of great prize! It is very beautiful to know the ideal match for you with respect to your vision, inspiration, development and success in life.

When you come of age, and get ready for a relationship, you need to date a real friend and someone who loves God and someone who can build your faith in God. God loves you as His very best and you can not afford to exchange this grace for anything less. When you are ready, have a relationship that is deeply rooted in the love of God. God loves you! Use the love God has shown you and brings it into your ideal relationship, loving your real friend the ideal and God’s way.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

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